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Evaluation of School Library Media Specialists

Page history last edited by Staci Cox 16 years, 3 months ago

Annual observations and evaluations are an opportunity to showcase your library program.  Use the opportunity to draw attention to unique aspects of your media center, instruction, and curriculum.  If you are given individualized time with your evaluator - usually an administrator - take the opportunity to focus on the positive aspects your program and instruction have on the school community.


In many school districts, library media personnel are evaluated on a standard form developed or adopted for teaching staff. If the library staff is clerical, the standard evaluation form for classified staff is used. Neither of these evaluation tools will reflect a true picture of the operation of a media center.  Although standardized forms are frequently required, a librarian-specific form can sometimes be substituted if administration and library staff agree.  In other cases, you may wish to ask that your principal use a library-oriented checklist in addition to the standard document of your district.  This may require a double evaluation, but you can gain a great deal from this additional attention to your program.


Evaulation forms that incorporate state or local library/media standards will be the most helpful evaulation tools for your professional growth.  If your district has not adopted a librarian-specific evaluation form, see the following examples for guidance.


Bering Strait School District Media Specialist Evaluation (PDF)

supplied by Roz Goodman, previous District Media Coordinator, Bering Strait School District


Anchorage School District Librarian Evaluation (PDF)

supplied by Ann Morgester, Library Curriculum Coordinator, Anchorage School District


Brunswick County, Virginia Librarian Evaulation (PDF)

courtesy of Brunswick County (Virginia) Public Schools

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