Pre-Processing Option: (recommended)
Many book jobbers offer pre-processing of book orders. This service is well worth the costs to many busy librarians. Those who purchase full processing receive shelf-ready orders – spine labels are on the books, pockets stamped with the school address are attached to the book, book card (if used) is in the pocket, price of the book is on the book card, pocket, and shelflist card (if used), mylar jackets are on, etc. All that remains is to check books against the purchase order, shelve the books and file the catalog cards or download digital MARC record information supplied by the jobber. With most of the tedious work done for them, librarians have more time to work directly with students.
Pre-Processing for automated libraries: (recommended)
Pre-processed orders for automated libraries come complete with disks containing electronic cataloging for each purchased book as well as barcode numbers matching those already applied to the books themselves. Again, librarians who choose this option are able to quickly shelve new books or check them out after only the few keyboard strokes needed to upload the cataloging information.
If Pre-Processing is not an option:
The following checklist is a guideline for the smallest libraries that use a card catalog and choose to do everything themselves. It can be adapted by larger libraries to create a checklist of processing for student aides or library volunteers.
Checklist for processing books (1)
- Unpack boxes
- Arrange alphabetically by author on book truck
- Check off on purchase order or packing list if purchase order is not available. Report any missing titles to the vendor and to your business office.
- Pencil price in each book
- Cover dust jacket with plastic
- Open and break in each book [lay the book spine down, open about one eighth of the book from each end until the spine has been relaxed in a gradual process]
- Verify that the order is correct
- Stamp with ownership stamp
- Insert theft detection strip if applicable (larger libraries with security systems)
- Insert catalog card packets in each book (automated libraries will check to see that the MARC record is available)
- Check each book with catalog cards or electronic MARC record in automated libraries for proper classification
- Does classification number on card fit the book?
- Is classification number consistent with the collection?
- If not, check CIP and a recommended source to make the change
- Attach a note to the catalog cards giving the change in the call number
- Is the book a duplicate copy?
- If so, pull the shelf list; place in book; discard duplicate cards in unautomated libraries
- Insert shelf card in the new book along with printed card and pocket
- In automated libraries, add item to existing record
- Return book to book truck
- Place catalog cards that are ready to file in box marked "filing" in an unautomated library
- Type the spine labels or check to make sure that spine label has been supplied by jobber.
- Attach labels to cover and book
- Attach plastic jacket to the book
- All books go to the librarian for final inspection
If you are in a small library and have questions about this process, call the State School Library Coordinator at 907-269-6571 or, outside of Anchorage, 1-800-776-6566,
1. Based on a flow chart from: Procedures Manual for School Library Media Centers. Oklahoma State Department of Education, 1986.
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