
Standards for Twenty-First Century Learners

Page history last edited by Sue Sherif 16 years, 1 month ago

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner


The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) adopted new standards for students'  library and information literacy in October 2007.  These are called "AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners."  They are available for downloading in PDF format  or can be purchased as large-format brochures from the American Library Association Online Store.



Where Information Power was an AASL initiative to describe an excellent school library media center program, the 21st-century standards have students as the focus.  These learner standards do not replace Information Power, but will the basis for much work by task forces in the next few years. They offer guidance, along with the Alaska Library/Information Literacy Standards, for teacher librarians about how to shape their library instructional program.  According to AASL: "Standards for the 21st Century Learner, while acknowledging the key role of information literacy in student learning, also acknowledges that school library media programs must address multiple literacies."  Indicators and assessments will be developed by groups of school librarians all over the nation.


To learn more about the history of AASL standards, see "President's Column." Frances Roscello. Knowledge Quest.  March-April 2004.

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